Womb Wisdom Upgrade (Online)
Thank you for booking with me today!
Thank you for showing up for yourself and your expansion. Expansion leads to deep and profound healing. When we show up for ourselves, we show up for Humanity.
Please prepare for your session today by staying hydrated. Have a bottle of water next to you during your session. Utilize ear buds or headphones for optimal experience. Be in a comfortable position either lying down or sitting up, where you can do deeper within your experience and relax. Please Utilize the restroom before your session. And get ready to expand your capacity of the Undistorted Light of Lemuria...
Welcome to the Sacred Womb Realms Of Lemuria. Here, we unlock and open the womb realms and release them from False masters, molevolent and distorted programming, and enslavement systems. With the Grandmother's of Lemuria, we work together for a Womb Upgrade and Expansion by attuning you and installing the Lemurian Wa-Ta-Ka Bearthing Systems and Lemurian Light Codes and Lemurian Transmissions.
Journey and Receive the Lemurian Experience through WA-TA-KA. The Bearthing Systems of Benevolence that is Unlimited, Undistorted, and Uninterrupted that allows all children and bearthings to "BYPASS" all the nonsense as they and we are ALL INNOCENT. These Sacred Protocols , Clearings, Upgrades, & Bearthing. Assists in "UNLOCKING " The Whomb from ALL enslavement and false master programming, rituals, ect. The Womb is Divinely Aligned toFreedom, Liberty. Divine Bearthing through INA WA-TA-KA & INA KOPONUI "WOMB BELLY" OF LEMURIA AND ALL SUPPORTS FOR ALL WHO ARE BEARTHING OR RE-BEARTHING THROUGH ALL MOMENTS.